Chris Robinson, Rich Robinson and Sven Pipien
14 April 2006 - Rose Theater - New York, NY [ USA ]
S E T L I S T ª
Good Friday
Wiser Time *
Horsehead *
Long Black Veil * #
This Is The Way #
Wyoming And Me
Girl On The Mountain * #
Pardon My Heart *
Thunderstorm 6:54 PM #
Soul Singing *
Late Nights Again * (1st time played)
How Much For Your Wings *
Answers * #
Cut From The Shadow # (1st time played)
Better When You're Not Alone
Thorn In My Pride *
Beware Of Darkness *
Nonfiction *
She Talks To Angels
- encore -
Let It Be Gone * #
Boomer's Story *
# songs noted * feature Sven Pipien
# songs noted # indicate Chris played guitar
# Sven sang harmony on "Girl On The Mountain", "Pardon My Heart", "Late Nights Again", and "Beware Of Darkness"
# no taping allowed at this performance
S H O W L E N G T H:
120 minutes
S O U R C E :
DAUD (Digital Audience Recording)
ECM-717 > MZR-90