2018-01-27 Sacramento, CA - Chris Robinson Brotherhood

Notes from the Taper

Chris Robinson Brotherhood
Ace of Spades
Sacramento, CA
January 27, 2018

Source: Audix m1280c caps > church actives > SP-SPSB-10 > tascam dr07mkii
Location: 10' from stage, DFC, 6' high
Transfer: SDHC > Audacity (tracks, eq, amplify, fades) > flac

recorded and processed by John Kahling

0101 I'm Ready
0102 Rosalee
0103 Meanwhile In the Gods...
0104 Tumbleweed In Eden
0105 Blue Star Woman
0106 High Is Not the Top
0107 Clear Blue Sky
0108 Sunday Sound
0201 Loving Cup
0202 California Hymn
0203 Beggar's Moon
0204 Reflections In a Broken Mirror
0205 Behold the Seer
0206 Hark, the Herald Hermit Speaks
0207 Ain't It Hard But Fair
0208 Shore Power
0209 encore crowd
0210 Roll Another Number

Chris Robinson: vocals, guitar
Neal Casal: guitar, vocals
Adam MacDougall: keys, vocals
Jeff Hill: bass, vocals
Tony Leone: drums




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