2014-11-20 San Francisco, CA - Chris Robinson Brotherhood

Notes from the Taper

Chris Robinson Brotherhood
November 20, 2014
Great American Music Hall
San francisco, CA

Equipment dpa 461s-battery box-sony pcm-m10
transfer m10-usb-audacity-cdwav editor-flac

Taping location the back stage left

Try Rock & Roll
Jump the Turnstile
About a Stranger
She Belongs to Me
Someday Past the Sunset
Mother of Stone
Poor Elijah/R. Johnson
Tulsa Yesterday
Older Guys
Meanwhile in the Gods
Silver Car
100 Days of Rain
Beggars Moon
Sunday Sound
Star Crossed Lonley Sailor
Sail on Sailor
Humbolt Windchimes (missing)

1st night of a 4 night run in san francisco, (I only went the first night), no open tapers so unless someone else
was stealthing it, might be only source

Dedicated to the asshole security who was giving me shit for lighting up a joint but said nothing to the 50 other people
smoking (really at a crowes/robison brothers show? what an asshole)

Show was awesome, a almost 3 hour jam session with Chris and Company on their A game. Crowd noise is there as I have
the usual people who wont stfu and enjoy the show. Minor eq was required.

Setlist is from the band facebook page, track splitting is not 100 percent song by song, I tried to pick a spot for
splitting where there was a pause in music.

Sorry the last song was missing, dead battery in my mics

As always dont sell it share it, "its only a memory unless someone records it"



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